Day Trips


If your clients are keen to spend a day out exploring the Luberon, we’re here to help. Whatever they want to do, we can offer both turnkey and tailor-made options.

Here are a few ideas for day trips :

The unmissables

Gordes + Senanque + Roussillon/Ochres


A ramble (circular route) from one of the villages + a picnic + a tour of the village

Nature ​

Randonnée (boucle) au départ d’un village + pique-nique + visite du village

For sporty types

A cycle outing (pedal bike or e-bike) + entry to a museum (depending on the route)

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Destination Luberon

+33 04 90 71 32 01

Place François Tourel, 84301 CAVAILLON CEDEX